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Trevor Klein

CMC To Begin Permitting CMC-Only Parties

By Trevor Klein September 22, 2021

In an email sent to students on Tuesday, the Claremont McKenna College (CMC) Dean of Students (DOS) Office announced that it would “begin permitting some hosted CMC-only events.”

This announcement comes in the wake of the college reporting zero positive COVID cases for the week of September 13-19. Previously, DOS restricted student gatherings and often broke up unapproved parties with support from campus security.

In the email, DOS stated that, “Our current low infection rate allows us to begin permitting some hosted CMC-only events, which includes some [Associated Students of Claremont McKenna College (ASCMC)] hosted parties like [Thursday Night Club (TNC)], and individually registered events.”

DOS will only allow CMC students to attend CMC parties at this time, explaining that, “DOS and The Vice Presidents for Students Affairs at the 5Cs are evaluating the potential for 5C social events this semester; however, for the time being and until further notice, social events on our campus are limited to CMC-only attendees, and your CMC Student ID will be required for attendance.”

In another email sent to all students on Monday, Amadeo Cantu-Trevino, ASCMC Vice-President of Student Activities, announced that the first TNC will take place on Green Beach this Thursday at 9 PM. CMC students will need a wristband for entry in order to “ensure the safety of… CMC students.” These wristbands will be distributed on Wednesday and Thursday outside of Collins Dining Hall.


Image Credit: Shanie Roth


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