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Pomona “Student-Supporting Functions” To Be Sharply Reduced By Tomorrow

The Claremont Independent

As part of the ongoing effort by Pomona College to reduce student presence on campus to limit the potential spread of the coronavirus, Pomona is drastically cutting staff presence on campus, according to an email sent by Pomona College President G. Gabrielle Starr in a late afternoon email update. Starr emphasized the need for students to leave campus by Wednesday (March 18), despite student outrage at denied petitions to stay on campus for students who could not possibly return home, even with financial support for travel costs.

In order to comply with federal, state, and local guidelines to contain the spread of the coronavirus, Pomona will “have as many employees as possible telecommute in order to limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).” 

According to Starr, “[b]y tomorrow, we expect the majority of our staff to be working from home and no longer on campus, with student-supporting functions sharply reduced due to this concerted effort to meet public health and welfare imperatives.” 

Starr added that given public health concerns and the difficulty of implementing social distancing on a residential liberal arts campus, Pomona “strongly urge[s] all students who can do so to move off campus before Wednesday.”

Starr added that “the current population level on our campus is simply unsustainable under public health requirements during this crisis,” possibly explaining the large-scale denial of many petitions to stay on campus.


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