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CMC Confirms Indoor Mask Mandates, COVID-19 Regulations, For Fall 2021

The Claremont Independent

Claremont McKenna’s Dean of Students recently emailed the student body a list of guidelines for the fall 2021 semester. Among the guidelines was a policy mandating masks while indoors and further information about the college’s vaccine requirements. According to the college, the guidelines are subject to change as LA County “releases updated guidance for institutions of higher education—we expect those by early next week.”

Based on the current LA County face-covering guidelines, the college is requiring “everyone 2 years of age and older must wear a mask in all indoor public settings, venues, gatherings, and public and private businesses, regardless of vaccination status” and “masks are required once you exit that private/semi-private space and enter into common areas in residential spaces including hallways, bathrooms, elevators, lounges.” However, “masks are not required inside your individual residence hall room, suite or apartment.” 

Masks are also required in “[i]ndoor dining halls and venues- masks are required for entry and any time you are not actually eating.  You are permitted to remove your mask indoors when you are actively eating or drinking, alone in a separate room, or within your ‘household’ room/apartment.” Mask information for classroom settings will be provided next week after LA county releases its updated guidance. 

CMC also emphasized the importance of campus cultures and values, including “[s]upport for freedom of expression and diversity of opinion” and “[c]ommitment to anti-racism and personal as well as collective accountability.”

As stated previously, CMC is requiring all students to be fully vaccinated against COVID 19 “[u]nless exempted through the Office of Civil Rights.” For “students who contract COVID-19 or are the close contact of someone who has contracted COVID-19” on campus, there will be “[t]emporary housing locations adjacent to campus [that] are designated and stocked with beds, linens, shelf-ready snack items, and medical supplies. Meal delivery will be coordinated, and students will have daily medical check-ins with our Hamilton Health Box medical team.”

CMC also stated that “[p]er 5C agreement, there will be no 5C parties/large social events until after September 20.” As for student guests, they will be “limited to Claremont Colleges’ students. Outside guests including students who do not attend the Claremont Colleges, family members, friends from home, etc. are not permitted on campus or in College housing (including Alexan Kendry) per our institutional COVID-19 protocols.”

As for physical activities, “Athletics, PE, and Recreation will all resume.” CMC “will rely on LA County guidelines once competitions begin” for spectators at CMS events.

CMC also confirmed that “there will be no cross-campus dining in the fall semester.” CMC explained that “Collins Dining Hall hours have been extended to 3 hours per mealtime. Snack at Collins will be offered per usual, and the Hub will be fully functional with late-night hours.” CMC is also providing a food truck and Grub Hub to students. 

These guidelines are subject to change. According to CMC, “as new guidelines become available, we will update our information accordingly on the CMC website.”


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