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  • The Claremont Independent

Pomona Admits Class of 2024

Pomona College will release admissions decisions today starting at 5 pm PDT. Before Pomona made the decision to move most campus functions online amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, admissions decisions were supposed to be released a week ago. For the past two cycles, Pomona has not posted its acceptance rate until the Common Data Set is released after the first-year class enrolls. 

Similar to previous admissions cycles, Pomona has admitted a diverse class of 745 students. Notably, the admitted pool “[consists] of 59% domestic students of color — 19.3% identified as Latina/o, 17.9% as Asian American, 14.2% as Black, 6.6% as multiracial and 0.8% Native American — while 25.1% are white and 2.6% declined to state, and 13.6% are international.” For one-fifth of the admitted students, neither parent has a college degree. Pomona also admitted roughly equal numbers of male and female students at 48% and 52% respectively.

In addition to hailing from 49 U.S. states, students were also admitted from 46 countries. Students from California and New York are the most represented among domestic students while China and India offered the highest number of international students. Numbers for the enrolled first-year class will be available in the Fall semester when the Common Data Set is released.

Academically, “[t]he middle 50th percentile SAT scores are 700-760 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and 710-790 for Math…The middle 50th percentile ACT score is 32-35.” 

Pomona’s recruiting emphasized increasing access to underprivileged youth, admitting 16 students through QuestBridge and 20 through the Posse Foundation.


Photo: Pomona College Admissions Office, Sumner Hall


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