In an email sent this morning to Scripps College students, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Adriana di Bartolo-Beckham provided additional information for students’ return to campus for the fall semester. Under the updated arrival protocol, Scripps will require students to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test prior to moving into Scripps operated housing. Masks will be required in all indoor public spaces. The college expects students to use the Healthfully application to monitor COVID-19 on campus and to sign the Scripps College Student Community Compact.
Students and their two guests assisting in moving into Scripps housing must have a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours before arrival in addition to showing proof of vaccination.
Dean di Bartolo-Beckham cites Los Angeles County Public Health’s updated guidelines and recommendations for college campuses and concerns over the Delta variant as the reason for the updated arrival policy.
Scripps follows Claremont McKenna College and Pomona College in mandating masks in indoor public settings. Masks must be worn in classrooms and “are required for entry in Malott Commons and any time you are not actively eating,” but are not required in students’ “individual residence hall room, suite, or apartment.” The college also announced that all employees “[m]ust confirm they have received the COVID-19 vaccination, the intent to do so, or provide a medical or religious exemption.”
All students are expected to use the Healthfully application to monitor COVID-19 on campus. According to Dean di Bartolo-Beckham, “This technology supports colleges and universities in administering testing, tracking results, and status along with delivering real-time COVID-19 education and community announcements in an easy-to-use app that can be installed on smart phones, tablets, and computers. Through the Healthfully App, the College will be able to facilitate: Compliance with screening, testing, and isolation, [s]elf-screening and attestation, [a]lerts and notifications, COVID-19 education, [s]ecure messaging.” Unvaccinated students are required to complete daily symptom checks through the app.
Additionally, Scripps students must sign the Scripps College Student Community Compact. The compact outlines expected behavior for residential life, face coverings, hygiene, dining, COVID-19 protocols and procedures, and academic spaces. According to the email, “[t]he Scripps College Student Community Compact is a small but important step in committing to our values of care for our community and others.”